الصفحة الرّئيسيّة

الصفحة الرّئيسيّة

قائمة سكوبس العالمية
The College of Engineering "Frontiers in Engineering and Built Environment” journal at King Khalid…
تصنيف التايمز
King Khalid University earned the 111th place among young universities globally, according to the…
اجتماع عمداء شؤون الطلاب بالجامعات السعودية
The Acting President of King Khalid University, Prof. Saad bin Mohammed bin Dajam, inaugurated the…
معرض صور مدينتنا الجامعية
Acting President of King Khalid University, Prof. Saad bin Mohammed bin Dajam, inaugurated the "Our…
مشروع مبادرون
King Khalid University, represented by the University Agency for Business and Community Partnership…
kku contrib

Persons of influential contributions to King Khalid University

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is home to many influential persons and national cadres who have immensely contributed to the development and support of King Khalid University

Al-Qara'a Interactive Map

A digital map designed and programmed to help university students and cadre arrive to their destinations and facilitate transportation at the University City in Al-Qara'a. You can click on the region or the color of the college at the bottom of the map to zoom, then specify your college to visit the location.

Al-Qara'a Interactive Map
4 days 12 hours

In the presence of His Royal Highness Prince Turki bin Talal bin Abdulaziz, Gover…

4 days 13 hours
The General Department of Human Resources is pleased to announce the opening of the promotion differ…
1 month

King Khalid University, represented by the Medical City, has announced job openin…

10 Jun
08:00 - 18:00
10 Jun
08:00 - 18:00
Start of end-of-year break

Start of end-of-year break

23 Jun
08:00 - 18:00
Return of faculty members and start of classes

Return of faculty members and start of classes



employees who are proud to develop all year round and working on the latest technologies

Faculty Members

The faculty members are highly qualified teachers with certificates from the best local and internatio

Accredited Colleges

29 accredited colleges with over 120 departments and diversified specializations within the same colle

Effective Students

Effective Students The number includes male and female students of Diploma, Bachelor, Master and Docto

Effective Headquarters

27 effective headquarters spread over the area of Asir, with an area of 81,00

Faculty member at King Khalid University, Dr. Abeer bint Zahir bin Awad Al-Almai, in partnership with Engineer Abdul Moeen bin Saleh bin Abed Al-Sheikh, received a patent in the field of…