• Faithfully Serving God and Community Since 1858
  • Messy Church




At the Parish Church of St George’s we are committed to a living tradition of Anglicanism in order to carry the pocket option withdrawal limit the future, while embracing the best of the new. With our sister churches in the Anglican Diocese of Huron we exist to give Jesus Christ a face in the community through the quality of our worship, fellowship and witness. We aim to make St George's inclusive and hospitable; a place in which to find peace, meaning and identity for all seekers after truth; a place where the love of God is encountered and lasting friendships formed and nurtured. In full communion with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, we generally worship using the Book of Alternative Services.

Children are always welcome. St. George's hosts a weekly WHIRL youth ministry program especially for children aged 2-8 each Sunday at our 10:00 service. We realize that children see the Eucharist differently to adults and that they join in in their own way. So when your vocal toddler adds to the worship, don't worry - we won't! 

The Church and our Parish Hall are both fully accessible. There is ample parking, disabled access and washrooms. Transport to and from Church can be arranged. Baptisms and Weddings are always welcomed.

Our hope for all who journey with us is that they may encounter God in our worship, in our fellowship and in our service to Christ and our Community.

"St. George's is a family of faith, growing together through our service to God and those beyond our doors, as we follow in the steps of Jesus Christ."

2018 Christmas Services

Visiting the Blue Mountains this December? Please consider joining us for one of our many Advent and Christmas Services:.

December 14th, 6:00 p.m. - Lessons and Carols

A Family Service of Christmas Lessons and Carols featuring the St. George's and Grace United Church choirs. The service is followed by a family dinner. 

December 19th, 1:30 p.m. - Errinrung Christmas Carol-Sing

Join our St. George's Choir as we visit the residents at Errinrung Retirement https//trading-option.in/pocket-option-withdrawal-methods concert and tea. 

December 23rd, 8 a.m. & 10 a.m. - The Fourth Sunday of Advent

Our final services in the Advent Season. Said Holy Eucharist, followed by a sung choral Eucharist.

December 24th - Christmas Eve

5:00 p.m. CHILDREN"S PAJAMA MASS - a specially designed service for young famliies. Wear your PJs and come and enjoy the Christmas Story with cookies and eggnog!

7:00 p.m. CAROL-SING EUCHARIST - all music during the service is taken by request of your favourite Christmas carols. Join members of the St. George's Choir for this casual and spontaneous celebration.

9:00 p.m. TRADITIONAL CANDLELIGHT CHORAL MASS - a sung communion service that rings in the birth of Christ as modelled after a traditional midnight mass (just a little earlier!).

December 25th - Christmas Day

9:00 a.m. HOLY EUCHARIST SERVICE - busy with famly celebrations on Christmas Eve? http://trading-option.in/pocket-option-withdrawal-methods Day celebration. The service concludes with our traditional St. George's toast with Christmas goodies.


Rector: The Reverend Grayhame Bowcott
Sunday Services: 8 AM and 10 AM
166 Russell Street, P. O. Box 9,
Clarksburg, ON. N0H 1J0
Church Office 519-599-3047

St. George’s is fully accessible